Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rest in peace, Brother Raphael.
I took this photo in 2005 at Gethsemani Abbey near Bardstown, Kentucky. The monks were preparing themselves for 'Vespers', Latin for 'evening prayer'. I was recently informed that Brother Raphael passed away last year and he's buried near Thomas Merton at the Abbey. Brother Raphael infored me that one of the pilots of the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the "Fat-Man" bomb on Hiroshima, lived out the later years of his life at the Abbey. I believe what Brother Raphael told me and I'd love to know more about this individual. I doubt anyone will ever know the whole story...

Monday, August 23, 2010

The view from where I'm standing

The security Guard: "Don't take that picture, you can't take pictures here."

Me: "But this is a public sidewalk."

I was taking photos for a story about layoffs at Jewish Hospital, standing on the (public) sidewalk when I was aggressively approached by one of the security guards and a public relation representative from the hospital. As it turned out, I was on a public sidewalk and the hospital apologized for the mistake.

"Caught and sang the sun in flight"

Don't mind me, I'm just dusting off the old blog.

State Fair Comfort Food. copyright 2010 James Calvert